Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How Many Calories Can I Have And Still Lose Weight?

!: How Many Calories Can I Have And Still Lose Weight?

To figure out how many calories you should have, first start with where you are. In other words, figure out how many calories it takes to maintain your present size and then reduce from there. You can go about this in many ways. Most people simply choose an arbitrary number like 1200 calories and that's what they eat, but in nearly every case that's not nearly enough calories to ensure adequate nutrition, not to mention the deprivation that sets up.

While losing weight and to this day, I eat over 2000 calories a day on average and I've maintained a good weight for my height for over 17 years. Remember, your body requires calories to maintain itself.

Basic Calorie Requirements Calculation Based on Activity Level:

Sedentary : 13 X Weight = Avg. cal/day

Sedentary is not exercising at all

Moderately Active: 16 X Weight = Avg. cal/day

Moderately Active is exercising approximately 3-4 times per week

Very Active: 19 X Weight = Avg. cal/day

Very Active is 5-7 strenuous exercise sessions per week.

If you weigh over 200 pound now, and you'd like to weigh closer to 150, here is a calculation you could use to get started: Assuming you are going to be adding enough exercise to quality as Moderately Active, we'll use 16 as our modifier:

150 pounds X 16 calories per pound = 2400 calories

Less 500 (Using the common 500 calories per day reduction) gives us a total of 1900 average calories per day

If you started to incorporate a plan that allowed an average of 1900 calories every day, you'd start to lose weight. The mistake most people make is to reduce calories too much, which ultimately sacrifices muscle plus sets you up for feeling deprived. It's far better in the long run to go more slowly, keeping as much muscle as possible while burning calories via exercise. Remember too, even if you don't eat quite that many calories on many days, you might eat more on the weekends for instance, so it ends up being closer to your goal of 1900 average per day. Take the total calories for the week divided by seven.

Remember, this average calorie number gives you plenty of wiggle room during the week. You can have some treats along with everyone else, or add more on weekends. Instead of constantly saying, "I can't, I'm on a diet," now you can say, "Thank you, that looks delicious," and enjoy some. It doesn't ruin your diet plan because you've got a large enough calorie allowance that if you are more careful some days than others, it will work out to the average number of calories you want. I tend to eat far less calories during the week than on weekends and my totals generally average out to 2000 to 2200 calories per day.

The 500 calorie reduction is a well accepted amount. You can reduce your calories further, but I wouldn't recommend it. It doesn't benefit anyone to try for faster weight loss, in fact, if you reduce your calories too much you end up wasting muscle in the process, which is exactly what you do not want to do. If you want faster results, it's better to add more activity, thereby burning more calories at rest.

You may be thinking I'm nuts, recommending 1900 calories per day, but I can say for a fact that if you eat too little (1000 - 1200 calories is too few, IMO) then you set yourself up for all of the following:

Deprivation. You're going to feel deprived, mentally and physically. 1000 calories isn't enough for your basic metabolic needs, much less to fuel yourself for your activity needs. Add more food! Just have a bit more than you're already having, so for instance, if you are allowed 1/2 cup of vegetables is a whole cup going to ruin all your progress? I doubt it. Eat a whole cup, or go ahead and have two oranges. Fruits and vegetables are very low calorie but provide high nutrition.

Sure, some vegis and fruits are high in sugar, but it's natural sugar. I seriously doubt our planet grows any killer foods - it is more likely the food industry which has processed those foods to become nothing more than a dried powder, then add back more sugars, and chemicals so it will resemble the original product, is more harmful than a simple apple or banana?

If you are diabetic or must watch the sugars, have a small bit of protein along with the higher glycemic food, such as an ounce of cheese with your apple. Notice I said an ounce of cheese, not a slab big enough to feed a small country.

Metabolic Slow-Down Feeding yourself too few calories sets you up for metabolic slow-down. Studies have shown time and again that a heavier person can find it difficult to lose weight, even though eating very low calories, simply because their body's metabolism is burning at such a slow rate. As you probably already know exercise helps to speed up your metabolism but so does eating. That's why they say breakfast is so important, not only to fuel yourself but because it starts the metabolic furnace burning, and it continues to burn all day. If you don't eat anything until noon, you don't stoke your furnace to start burning until then either.

Has the ultra low calorie approach worked for you so far? If not, why not try something more reasonable? Tag along with a friend who doesn't have a weight problem and you'll see how sometimes they eat more, sometimes less, but on average they eat enough to fuel their body and maintain their weight.

Adding more food gives you additional eye appeal. If you split up 1000 calories over the course of an entire day you're looking at pretty skimpy portions on your plate each time you eat. I like to feel like I'm getting enough to eat and I do this by rounding out my plate with extra vegetables.

If I'm having a frozen entree for instance, I'll cook up a cup or more of frozen vegetables to add to my plate. The extra vegis really fill me up, providing the satisfaction I need, and I often have a bit extra vegetables to throw away. Is that wasting food? No, it's smart. Far better for me mentally to have extra food to toss away than to be licking the plate because I'm still hungry. I'm also not likely to start wanting something else to eat right after dinner if I'm feeling content with the amount I've eaten.

Make an effort to learn to like your food as is. Plain mixed vegetables with nothing on them are delicious. It took me awhile to stop putting butter on them, and then even quitting the Molly McButter (just chemicals and sodium). I eat them plain and yes, they are great. Nature made our fruits and vegetables naturally sweet and all those "extras" we are used to using like butter on vegetables or potatoes certainly make things taste all yummy but they also make us larger than we need to be. Those "extra" calories add up.

Slowly Make Adjustments to What or How Much You Eat

Wean yourself off adding sugar to your cold cereal. Read the label; all processed cereals contain a ridiculous amount of added sugar. There's no need to add more. My only exception is brown sugar on oatmeal. I don't sugar my cereal at all anymore but it took me awhile to make the change. Start by adding a bit less, then next week cut back a bit more until you break the habit entirely. Tiny changes make up for big results over time.

If you feed yourself well, and focus on increasing your activity, even if only a little, then you will continue to lose fat, build muscle and get more shapely, all the while increasing your metabolism so you can eat more food!

How Many Calories Can I Have And Still Lose Weight?

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Multiregion Blu-Ray DVD Players - What Are They?

!: Multiregion Blu-Ray DVD Players - What Are They?

BLU-RAY (aka BLURAY) HI-defintion players are not the same worldwide. In fact a BLU-RAY disc from one of the three REGIONS won't usually play at all on players from the other two regions.

What are these regions and why are they? See below.

But is there such a thing as a MULTIREGION BLU-RAY player and if so will you need a special Multisystem TV?

Yes, MULTIREGION BLU-RAY players do exist today and no you don't need a PAL-NTSC TV to display the BLURAY movies. Any working TV with HDMI input will work fine.

BLU-RAY REGIONs A and B and C and DVD REGIONs 1 and 2 will be available around March 1st 2008.

What are BLU-RAY "Regional Codes"? "Country Codes"? "Zones"? and will they affect you and me?

Hollywood producers want to control the home release of movies in different countries because theater releases are often on different dates in the world wide release of a movie.
A movie may come out on Blu-ray Disc in the U.S. when it's just hitting screens in Europe so to prevent various regions of the world from buying the BLU-RAY movies before they have come out in cinemas, thereby reducing the box office sales of those films and certainly the eventual BLU-RAY dvd release as well of those films there are devices created to stop such TV viewing of new movies.

Besides being able to see movies before approved release dates many films come out in various edited versions. Some have scenes deleted or augmented in various versions but if you want the complete unedited version of your favorite film and it isn't available in your country you might normally have no way of ever seeing it unless you traveled to a country having your version available. But just because you can see it in that country doesn't mean you can take it home and view it on your player and on your TV. Quite the contrary. That's where a multiregion BLU-RAY DVD player comes in.

To block you studio require that the Blu-ray standard include codes to prevent playback of certain discs in certain geographical regions. Each player is given a code for the region in which it's sold. The player will refuse to play discs that are not coded for its region. This means that a disc bought in one country may not play on a player bought in another country and even if it could there is the matter of the VIDEO STANDARD to deal with. There are two standards in regular DVDs and two in BLU-RAY (Please rad below about this as actually in HDMI there are NO video standards) and they are NTSC and PAL. These alone make it impossible to view a disc of one standard on a TV that isn't of that standard even if you have a MULTIREGION BLU-RAY DVD player. The TV must match (unless you have a BLU-RAY discs playing in a MULTIREGION PLAYER via HDMI output)!

These TVs do exit and come in all video standards, formats (tune type CRT-LCD-PLASMA etc.) sizes and voltages. Or you can buy a quality DIGITAL VIDEO STANDARDS converter such as a TENLAB and simply use any working TV on earth to view your movies.

But please note:
If you out a BLU-RAY movie via the HMDI cable to an HMDI TV of any standard (PAL, NTSC, SECAM etc.) you will see a perfect picture as BLU-RAY and HDMI have done away with the traditional Video Standards like PAL, NTSC etc.
If you have a BLU-RAY region C disc it will play on all BLU-RAY players worldwide as there is no REGION C lock on them.
So any BLU-RAY region free for regions A and B or any BLU-RAY player that is not multiregion will play all REGION C BLU-RAY discs on any TV with HDMI input.
Miracle, the age of having to deal with non-compatible video standards has ended. Only REGIONS A and B are still incompatible and with a MULTIREGION (AKA MULTI-REGION, MULTI REGION etc.) player one can view any and ALL Blu-Ray movies on any TV on earth with HDMI.

To be confusing however please note:
If your TV does not have an HDMI input then you will still be stuck needing a PAL-NTSC TV or a video standards converter to view BLU-RAY movies via the RCA or S-VIDEO video output.

3 regions (also called locales or zones) have been defined, and each one is assigned a number. Players and discs are often identified by their region number superimposed on a world globe. If a disc plays in more than one region it will have more than one number on the globe.

Region A: North America, Central America, South America, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia

Region B: Europe, Greenland, French territories, Middle East, Africa, Australia and New Zealand

Region C: Pakistan, India, Mainland China, Russia, Central and South Asia

Multiregion Blu-Ray DVD Players - What Are They?

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Low Voltage Lighting Systems For The Outdoors

!: Low Voltage Lighting Systems For The Outdoors

So maybe you are considering investing your time and money into a low voltage lighting system and if that is the case then you should know as much about these types of systems as possible.

A low voltage lighting system consists of a transformer, a low voltage cable and light fixtures. Then the transformer will plug into a grounded outdoor power outlet hence reducing the standard electrical current from 110 volts to 12 volts. The cable then attaches to the transformer which distributes power to the light fixtures that are connected along the entire length of the cable.

Good For A DIY Project

Having said that, this is definitely a project that you could tackle on your own, as it is safe and relatively simple to do. Low voltage lights are energy efficient and much less money to operate. You can then select the desired wattage of bulb that you want.

The desired amount of light that you choose will depend on what your exact plan for the low voltage lighting system is. You may plan on illuminating walkways, accent steps and curbs, define driveways, accentuate landscape, highlight distinct features, and to decorate decks and flowerbeds.

Questions Answered

Many people have questions about low voltage lighting systems as they want to know if they can add lights as desired, and the answer is "Yes". Some people want to know if it alright to mix bulb wattages and again the answer is "Yes" as long as you make sure that you do not exceed the power pack's output rating.

Another question asked is what type of power outlet should you plug into and the answer to that is an outdoor, 110-volt power outlet is required. Further, you do not need to bury your cables as they are weather-proof; also you do not need to seal off the ends of the cables, and just cut the wires straight and you will be fine. And do not use an extension cord for any of the project at all as it will be a safety risk.

Discouraging Trespassers

This type of lighting is a must for outdoor purposes unless you prefer to trip in the dark of your own yard and accidentally trample your garden flowers! All kidding aside, these systems illuminate the outside of your home and also can aid in prohibiting trespassers too.

Low voltage landscape lighting has advantages over the other choices of outdoor lighting systems because additional lights can always be added without disturbing any existing lights that might already be positioned.

Use Timers For Maintenance-Free Operation

The low voltage lighting systems can be set on a timer that allows maintenance-free outdoor lighting. Most timers come available for four, six and eight hour settings allowing these low voltage lighting systems to be set up so they automatically go on at dark and off in the morning. This way you never have to worry about them at all.

This type of lighting system has the advantage over solar lighting because they are less expensive and solar systems usually need about 8-10 hours of sunshine in order to work properly.

Low Voltage Lighting Systems For The Outdoors

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Friday, November 25, 2011

LiteFuze convertingbox 1800 Watt Light Weight Premium Voltage Converter Transformer - Automatic Voltage Selection - Step Up/Down 110/120 - 220/240 Volts - No Noise - Circuit Breaker Protection - Grounded Cord (Free Euro Plug) - CE Certified

!: Discount LiteFuze convertingbox 1800 Watt Light Weight Premium Voltage Converter Transformer - Automatic Voltage Selection - Step Up/Down 110/120 - 220/240 Volts - No Noise - Circuit Breaker Protection - Grounded Cord (Free Euro Plug) - CE Certified Right now

Brand : LiteFuze
Rate :
Price : $99.99
Post Date : Nov 25, 2011 14:15:45
Usually ships in 24 hours

Lifetime Warranty, No Noise, More Efficient, Almost half the weight Only 15LB compared to other Voltage Transformers at this size, LiteFuze Convertingbox 1800 Watt Fully Automatic Step Up/Down voltage converter, Operates on 110/220V AC Automatically. No worries to set input voltage manually. Has a Patented universal socket outlet which means any type of plug fits into the converter. Has built in thermal fuse protection (Reset button). Efficiency Factor: 1.25, Dynamic casing design offers ventilation to the voltage transformer, Fully Grounded Transformer from Input to Output for safe operation, CE Certified, Free Euro Plug Adapter, Efficiency Factor Use this factor to calculate the correct wattage transformer needed for your items. Multiply the WATT rating on your product with this factor and purchase transformer of at least that size. Example: If your blender requires 350W, then multiply 350 x 1.25 (efficiency factor of convertingbox) = 437.5W. Thus, convertingbox 500 is recommended for this particular blender. To use multiple products, simply add watt rating of each product and multiply the combined watt rating with the efficiency factor. Always purchase a larger transformer than your appliances required wattage to handle any power surges during operation. Feel free to contact LiteFuze for more info.

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Monday, November 21, 2011

2000 Watt Voltage Converter Regulator Heavy Duty Step Up/Down 110/120/220/240V

!: New 2000 Watt Voltage Converter Regulator Heavy Duty Step Up/Down 110/120/220/240V quick

Brand : buyVoltageConverters | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Nov 21, 2011 21:18:44 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Converts 110/120V to 220/240V OR converts 220/240V to 110/120V (switch is on back of unit) On/Off switch with indicator lamp. Analog meter on front of unit shows exact output voltage. Voltage stabilizer good for countries with unstable voltage supply. 4 outlets on front of unit (outlets accept 3 or 2 prong US plugs and 2 prong Euro/Asian plugs). Insulated power cord is hard wired with a US Shucko plug (grounded 3 prong US adapter)

  • Converts 110/120V to 220/240V OR converts 220/240V to 110/120V
  • 4 outlets on front of unit (outlets accept 3 or 2 prong US plugs and 2 prong Euro/Asian plugs)
  • Voltage Converter/Transformer with Stabilizer, good for countries with unstable voltage supply
  • Heavy duty metal casing and durable design, Easy to carry with attached handle
  • Continuous use, On/Off switch with indicator lamp

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Goldsource® STU-1000 Step Up & Down Voltage Converter Transformer with 5V USB Output - AC 110/220 V - 1000 Watt

!: Price Goldsource® STU-1000 Step Up & Down Voltage Converter Transformer with 5V USB Output - AC 110/220 V - 1000 Watt where to buy

Brand : Goldsource | Rate : | Price : $59.99
Post Date : Nov 16, 2011 07:51:22 | Usually ships in 24 hours

Made by one of the leading manufacturers in the industry, the Goldsource STU series step up/down voltage transformers offer you a safe, reliable, affordable & convenient solution to converting voltages from 110-120 volts up to 220-240 volts or from 220-240 volts down to 110-120 volts for both home use & industrial applications.

The STU-1000 is rated at 1,000 watts maximum. It features a heavy-duty cord with a standard US 3-prong plug plus a free American to German outlet plug adapter. There are a total of three outputs on the front panel. Two are grounded outputs, one designated for 120 volts with a US standard outlet, the other for 220 volts only with a universal outlet. The last one is a 5V standard USB jack, a unique feature of the STU series & 1st in the industry. And most importantly, all three outputs can be used simultaneously & continuously.

For safety, it's recommended by the manufacturer that the voltage transformer's maximum power should be equal or greater than the power rating of your appliance multiplied by 1.5. For example, if you have an appliance rated at 100 watts, you will need to pick a transformer with a maximum power of 150 watts or greater.

More Specification..!!

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Samsung BD-P1400 Reviews of the Multi-Region Blu-Ray Disc Player Version

!: Samsung BD-P1400 Reviews of the Multi-Region Blu-Ray Disc Player Version

Region code Areas

The multi-region version plays all REGION A And B Blu-Ray Disc movies on any TV with HDMI input.

A/1North America, Central America, South America, Japan, Taiwan, North Korea, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Southeast Asia.

B/2Europe, Greenland, French territories, Middle East, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand, plus all of Oceania.

C/3India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Mainland China, Pakistan, Russia, Central, and South Asia.

Reviews of the BLU-RAY BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player (the is no difference in basic specifications for the
Region A version and the Region A and B Multi-region version so all reviews stand for both versions.):

It's good: Excellent image quality on Blu-ray movies; outstanding soundtrack support with onboard decoding for Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD High Resolution and bitstream output for Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio; relatively low price compared to other standalone Blu-ray BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player s; Ethernet port for updating firmware.

My BD-P1400 arrived late yesterday! The firmware was updated last night via internet download and burning a CD. First impressions:

Video - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Audio - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FYI: There is no image or sound quality difference, or any other type of difference, in the USA Region A version of the multi-region Region A and B version of the Blu-ray BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player.

I have tried a regular DVD and one BRD so far and am very pleased. Load
times are very acceptable. No negatives from me on this unit so far. Will
report more later when I get some of the more seemingly problematic BRDs.

The BD-P1400 has classic Samsung style. The front of the unit is all glossy black, with a thin strip of silver along the bottom.

Got my Samsung BD-P1400 last night and boy was I excited!! Before this review, let me start by saying that this is the first and only Blu-ray BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player that I have owned and that I may not make some of the comparisons you are looking for. If I don't, just lemme know! I also want to say that I have NOT upgraded to the latest firmware yet as my modem is not near a TV.


Excellent, duh...... inky blacks, great contrast, detail, everything you expect from Blu

Design: Wonderful looking BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player , the best yet I think. Face is very open, not cluttered, and the piano gloss finish rocks. Good remote too.
Load Times Wonderful. I have 5 movies so far and they all loaded in approx. 15 seconds. Then there was the new F4 Silver Surfer.... This is a BD+ title from Fox and many have had complaints about its load time. The BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player gave me no problem, and the multi-region version from Planet Omni will be even more incredible. Let me say again that this is right out of the box, no firmware update yet!

FYI: There is no image or sound quality difference, or any other type of difference, in the USA Region A version of the multi-region Region A and B version of the Blu-ray BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player.

I have not played with the sound much as I don't have my Onkyo TX-SR705 yet. I did notice that there is an option to set the speakers from small to large in analog 5.1 out mode. There are other discussions and reports of people getting full DTS-MA bitstream from this BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player (after firmware upgrade) on other threads and forums. I'm getting very anxious to try this out!


The rest of the stuff is pretty standard. 128x max forward, unit resumes same position in the movie even after powered off, pretty good response times from remote keys, etc.

All in all, this is a dynamite BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player. With the firmware upgrade, this guy will do just about anything that you can expect from a blu-ray BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player right now!!

In addition to Blu-ray discs, the Samsung BD-P1400 can play standard-definition DVDs and CDs.

FYI: There is no image or sound quality difference, or any other type of difference, in the USA Region A version of the multi-region Region A and B version of the Blu-ray BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player.

The BD-PBD-P1400's high-resolution soundtrack support is excellent. It has onboard decoding for Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, and DTS-HD High Resolution, which means it can output these soundtracks either in PCM format over the HDMI output or via the analog outputs. For newer receivers, the BD-P1400 also offers bitstream output for high-resolution soundtracks. So if you have a newer receiver with onboard Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio decoding, you can set the BD-P1400 to output audio over HDMI in encoded bitstream format--letting your receiver do the decoding, rather than the BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player.

There should be absolutely no sound quality difference whether you let the receiver decode or the BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player decode, but some AV fans just love seeing the "Dolby TrueHD" light on their new receiver. If you need a Code free Converting DVD Disc Player for .95 Planet Omni also has that and they come with 2 warranties. So far, I am really happy with this purchase. I was not sure I made the right deal because of the negative reviews I read but bought it anyway.

I really don't know why people get upset when it only takes two minutes to get ready to play. I have used it several times with Blu-Ray disks rented from Netflix with no problems. I am still waiting for the eight free movies.

Connectivity is also solid. There's an HDMI output capable of carrying both 1080p video signals and high-resolution audio.

For high-def analog video, there's a component video output (limited to 1080i), and there's an S-Video output and a composite output for standard-def output. (As with all DVD BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player s, there is no DVD upscaling available via component video). On the audio side, there's the aforementioned HDMI output, along with 5.1-channel analog outputs, both optical and coaxial digital audio outputs, and stereo analog outputs.

Rounding out the connectivity is an Ethernet port, which enables you to upgrade the firmware from the Internet--a feature that's been common to HD DVD Players, but very rare among Blu-ray BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Players.

FYI: There is no image or sound quality difference, or any other type of difference, in the USA Region A version of the multi-region Region A and B version of the Blu-ray BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player.

The BD-P1400 did a good job of rendering the opening sequence of Star Trek: Insurrection, demonstrating its 2:3 pull-down prowess. Next up was Seabiscuit, and the BD-P1400 did a solid job with the difficult introduction, with few to no jaggies on the black and white photos.


Just a quick update on the Samy BD-P1400. I have rented some BR's from Netflix and have really been enjoying the BD-P1400 - how about you? All the techno mumbo jumbo aside, as far as I'm concerned this is a great BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player.

I hope that the head dudes in charge of this forum will make a sticky for the Samsung BD-P1400 - hint - hint! watching home movies here...not saving lives.

The Samsung is a REALLY good unit for the price. The multi-region version is just 9.95 from Planet Omni and considering they use a double motherboard specially imported which must cost a fortune plus the intensive labor it's a real great bargain, IMHO.

I was able to plug my unit directly into my modem with a network cable (as per Samsungs directions in the user manual) and the BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player found it's new firmware and loaded it up without the need for me to get on the computer, burn disks...etc. Very cool.

The Samsung has a great image and with the current update I can listen to DTS-HD Master Audio (Sony can't say that for twice the price!).

With the pace at which the technology is moving I think it is very difficult for a manufacturer to manufacture these units, get them to market and have them totally "current" with the new disk technology, (which is changing daily), but Samsung has provided me with a unit that I can just plug into my modem and get an update when they have it available. I think that is AMAZING.

A little patience and understanding can go a long way. After wasn't that long ago that when you bought an electronic component, you couldn't update it at all. I am sure Samsung will come thru with an update soon. I have not run into any disks I could not play as of yet.

Having never seen a 1200 in action, I can't help you - but the BD-P1400 PQ is excellent, but that's what Blu is all about - right?

I have tried several BD's from Netflix as well as a few standard def DVD's. All were great. As far as the handshake issue, I'm not really sure what that is.... and for the off, then play thing... why would you want to do that in a movie anyways?

Great BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player, I couldn't be more happy I got the new BD-P1400 last week. returned the 1200 to get it. (plus 100 price difference in my favor. PROS= the pic quality is by far the best I've seen, even better then the panny I had.

Controls are easy and setup just the same. I don't like it loses the signal at the beginning of the discs.
AUDIO= I am not able to use all the audio features due to my ONKYO being a few years old. I have it setup with a digital optical cable, the sound is really excellent except for the POPS I get every now and then.

As for the BD discs, POTC about 2 minutes, have had no problem, and the multi-region version from Planet Omni will be even more incredible, with any other BD movies. I did notice that after I hit pause and went to hit play, the movie would play for a minute and then stop. I had to hit play again. No big deal.

Used the Ethernet port to download new firmware, can't tell the difference though. I am sorry I am not that technical but this is my blue collar review. any??????s I will answer the best I can

Just finished watching Casino Royale - spectacular!

I have a Playstation 3 that has awesome picture quality for both Blu-Ray and upscaling of Standard DVD's since a software upgrade. We use this for our main HD TV in the family room. I needed another BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player for a second HD TV we just had hung in our bedroom.

I waited for the BD-P1400 to become available since I already committed to the Blu-Ray format and wanted the latest technology available. I cannot say enough about the sound quality that this BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player offers, it is unbelievable. The picture quality is excellent and on par with the Playstation 3. I am seriously considering purchasing a second BD-P1400 for our main set because of the outstanding sound. Great BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player especially for the money.

By far the best Blu-ray I ever tested. Never watch cartoons but now I'm spending a lot of time watching with my kids.

This is a great Blue Ray BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player. DTS HD MA bitstream finally. I have owned this product for about two months and am thrilled with it; it is really a good deal. I only use my Blu Ray BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player to play Blu Ray movies, since the sound is piped into a Samsung 5-disc receiver. The picture quality is amazing. I own four Blu Ray discs (which I purchased on Amazon at .99 each) and they all play beautifully, with no problem, and the multi-region version from Planet Omni will be even more incredible, and a crystal clear picture.

I bought this BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player in December. I hooked it up with an HDMI cable to a Sony Receiver. The Cable Box from Comcast is also hooked up to the receiver. The receiver is connected to a 42 inch Panasonic 1080P Plasma. Three HDMI cables, that is it.

It has worked flawlessly from the beginning with every Blu-Ray disc we have tried. We get about one a week from Netflix. I can play Pirates of the Caribbean 3. Not sure why the other reviewer could not.

The picture quality is stunning with Planet Earth. I guess I can credit the Panasonic TV mostly for that.

I did the version 1.2 firmware upgrade in December. I just did the version 1.5 firmware upgrade yesterday Feb 5th. I downloaded both and created the ISO CD.

To me it works fast. So you have to wait a few seconds for it to boot up, so what? Go get the DVD while you are waiting.

Most computers nowadays take minutes to boot. I imagine it will never get better, likely probably worse over time since these are in essence computers, and the more technology advances the slower these machines are to turn on and load up.

After doing the firmware upgrade, I checked my settings and noticed they had been reset. If you have a digital receiver, you should make sure that the audio is set to 'bit rate' and not PCM if you want surround sound.

I also had no problem, and the multi-region version from Planet Omni will be even more incredible, playing regular DVDs or CDs either. So when it becomes obsolete, it will replace my other DVD BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player and improve the quality of the regular DVDs with my other older 720P Samsung set.

I don't think anyone should delay buying because of the format war. The minute you buy anything nowadays, it becomes obsolete and is eventually a throw away. So you at least enjoy it while you can, life is too short. At the prices today what the heck, it is cheap, buy now before the dollar becomes worthless! You can get an entire home theatre 1080P HDMI based system with speakers for less than $[...] right now. Thank you China! I got my HDMI cables from Planet Omni, .95 for 2 meter length, superb images and sound!

Before I hooked this up, I updated the firmware via the Ethernet port. Once that was done I have had no problem, and the multi-region version from Planet Omni will be even more incredible, with the BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player at all. I debated whether or not to buy this due to some negative reviews, but the deal was just too good to pass up for a stand alone. Those of you that have had problems with this BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player have every right to complain about them here, that's what these reviews are for.

However, the people complaining it isn't 1.1 or 2.0 (no BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player is 2.0 yet) should stop. Nowhere in the description does it say this BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player is supposed to be 1.1. If you want to inform people there are updates coming and this BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player will not be able to benefit, go ahead, but to say it is horrible and obsolete because of it being 1.0 is misleading. I have a feeling most people want to just watch the movie and would rarely use the features of 1.1 (like picture in picture commentary).

If that's you, this BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player is perfect. If you need a 1.1 BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player, get the panasonic. For me this one will work fine for the next couple of years while Blu-ray gets its act together and finalizes an emerging product. I hope those of you that have had problems were able to get them resolved and can now enjoy the BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player as I do.

I have had no problem, and the multi-region version from Planet Omni will be even more incredible with the Samsung BD-PBD-P1400. I just plugged it in, connected it to the internet and started the firmware upgrade utility. After about 20 minutes, the firmware upgrade was successful and I played my first movie without a glitch. Every movie I've played since has also played flawlessly. You can also upgrade the firmware by burning a CD or if you don't have internet, Samsung will send it to you.

This product works just fine on blu-ray disks, also on non-European format DVDs, and on music CD-ROMs. I have found no problem, and the multi-region version from Planet Omni will be even more incredible with it. It even does a superior job of showing plain DVDs on my 40" TV, where my previous DVD BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player only would take up part of the screen.

One clever and undocumented touch is that it seeks out the right TV input choice once a disk is inserted. It may help that the TV is also a Samsung.
I got this on Nov.30, 2007, and unlike what other reviewers have said, the BD-P1400 does start back where you stopped. Everything else looks and works great.

I'm editing this review on March 13, 2008, to reflect my experience with the machine. It appears to me that whether a DVD will start back where it stopped depends on how the DVD was manufactured, NOT on the BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player . Some DVDs, such as "LOST, Season 3", don't even have chapter/scene makers on them, much less the ability to restart after a stop.

Some DVDs, such as "3:10 to Yuma", actually have their own system for marking where you stop or where you may want to go back to, but otherwise require a restart from scratch. But some DVDs do restart where stopped.

My chief complaint with Blu-Ray (not necessarily with this BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player in particular) is that it takes FOREVER for a DVD to start up, then if you do have a DVD that won't restart from where it stopped, you have to go through the painfully long start-up again.

I've learned to NEVER PAUSE a DVD, which causes it to shut down the BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player after a few minutes. Instead, I keep it going at 1/8 speed, then when I come back, I can easily back up to where I was -- a lot faster than a restart.

If there is a better BR BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player anywhere near this price range, I haven't heard of it. Now that HD DVD has died, I hope that DVD makers will focus their attention on making BR DVDs work more easily and FASTER.

This is a great player. The only issue is the firmware upgrade. I used CD-R/RW burning method...easiest and fastest. Burn *.iso image using nero burning rom software. The instructions are in [...]/support. I have both HD-DVD and blu-ray. so far blu-ray is better. HD looks like upconverted DVD. Read the instructions carefully i.e. the new Blu-ray "Live Free Die Hard" contains a note letting you know the software upgrade may be needed.

Lastly, remember this is HDMI 1.3 in order to use 1.3 capabilities, you need a cable and TV which is HDMI 1.3 compatible also....the picture is great. Buy this BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player and upgrade the software right away.

I have read and continue to see many complaints about different blu-ray and hd-dvd BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player s not working like people hoped. I can say that with this model I have had absolutely zero issues.

I am sure some people will write that it doesn't load this or doesn't do that, but it hasn't affected me. I have not found a single disc that has not played perfectly. What people have to remember is that in this day and age everything is like a computer, you may have to update, it is part of life now, get over it.

Will the manufacturers eventually get this flawless, probably so but in the mean time I will be enjoying my movies now. If you are an early adopter like I am on technology then any issues you might run into will be no big deal. The BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player is easy to setup, easy to play and loads reasonably fast. Glad I bought it and already thinking about a second one for different room.

Complete satisfaction with this product. Greatly enhances my regular dvd's. I was really surprised about this claim, but the Samsung does as advertised. The blu-ray disc audio is very good. Can't wait until hooking this up with my new surround system.

This product is money well spent for the viewing pleasure it gives. I highly recommend this product.

For its price this is a steal. The audio and video quality here is great, the quality and selection of Blu-ray is top notch and you can be fairly confident you'll be getting blu-ray format movies made for you for years to come. One of the better options for a dedicated BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player if you're not interested in the PS3.

Before deciding to purchase my Samsung BD-P1400 I studied many of these customer reviews and they were very useful. I also read a dedicated AV Science forum online concerning this model BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player. First, all of the information and customer reviews highlight the endemic problem that implementation of newer Blu-Ray standards is occurring gradually. Moreover, features are evolving, meaning that we are all taking some chances when we purchase any Blu-Ray BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player (that is not a PS3).

I personally have no interest whatsoever in owning a game console. Second, many of these reviews describe in conscientious detail the kinds of problems that people are having, as well as whether and how the problems have been overcome. This review adds data to that second category - practical problems.

When my BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player arrived the very first thing I did was install the latest firmware downloaded from the Samsung web site. I suggest the method that uses a cd rather than a direct network connection; in either case the manuals and web site offer complete directions. Be sure to *confirm that the update was successful* by restarting the BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player , re-inserting the firmware cd, and comparing the disk version to the installed version.

What problems have I had? In a month of watching Netflix discs I have had not one single hiccup, not a single blue screen, no refusals to play any of the BDs or SD-DVDs that others have had problems with - I have had *nothing but perfect performance*! True, some of the other criticisms like slower controls are inherent to the technology. But my BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player has been flawless and my expectations have been significantly exceeded. Without hesitation, I give my BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player five stars.

Pros: My favorite feature, by far, is the 24 frame per second output mode. Movies display exactly as they were intended - be that good or bad - and 'judder' in slowly-panned scenes is significantly improved compared to 30 FPS. This alone, in my opinion, warrants the relatively modest price tag. [In direct comparisons using my 50" plasma TV, the video quality of movies from the BD-P1400 at 24 FPS is clearly superior to the same discs when played through advanced computer video cards that cost the same!] I also like the features and layout of the remote control, which doubles up to control my Samsung TV. Yes, these are basic features within the realm of Blu-Ray, but they have been very capably implemented.

Cons: My only nit-pick is that I would like a set-up feature that allowed the audio and video outputs to be delayed relative to each other by a selectable increment. This would allow perfect lip-sync when using older (i.e. slower) audio decoders/receivers that are not HDMI 1.3 compliant. However, to my knowledge this feature is not offered on *any* new Blu-ray BD-P1400 Blu-Ray Disc Player , since the HDMI 1.3 standard incorporates an automatic synchronization feature if all the components are HDMI 1.3 compatible.

Maybe I've been lucky, but I have not had a single 'playability' issue using the latest build of the latest firmware. Based on this - 5 stars.

Let's hope that Samsung will support this model well into the future by further optimizing the operating firmware, as needed.
In brief: Outstanding picture quality---my wife and I say, even for stills, "Polaroid picture!", breathtaking.

The unit has all the requisite connections. I play it through a Yamaha av-tuner with 7.1 channels, via HDMI, but other connections are available.

There is a simple blue-ringed on-off button, and a tray open-close button; that's it on on-board controls. The remote has several levels of sophistication: It is easy to find and use the power, pause-play-rewind-fast/slow controls, those you will use 99% of the time. The remote also provides movie menu controls (e.g., language), player menu controls, and options for controlling other devices---learn to use them only if/when you need them. There was absolutely no setting up to do---plug and play! Great neuro-ergonomics, i.e., intuitive ease of use.

In over three weeks of regular usage, we have noted some glitches, but it's not clear if it is the player itself or the emerging technology. Several times, the unit went into "Stop" mode as if the button had been pushed; I had to hit "Play" to get the movie started again. Mildly distracting.

What would I also like? Perhaps controls for the av amplifier as well, although that unit has all the buttons needed for TV, player, and amp. Maybe better backlighting on all buttons. This is one heck of a deal, recommended to anyone wanting to get into blu-ray.
Good BluRay DVD. Easy to use. High definition DVD's look great but regular DVD's look better too.

No problems found yet.

the Samsung 1400 is significantly superior to the Toshiba HD-A3. The BD-P1400 supports not only TrueHD, but DTS-HD MA bitstream output over HDMI. The A3 can only extract the DTS 'core' and cannot send bitstream DTS-HD MA out. Only the HD-A35 and the XA2 can do that, but both are significantly costlier than this player. The BD-P1400 can also output full 1080p/24 video, while the A3 can only send out 1080i and does not support 24fps output.

Both are slow to load up, but the A3 is significantly slower, taking almost 2 full minutes to warm up the player and display video on your monitor/screen. The PS3 takes less than 30 seconds btw. The A3 is also very noisy, distractingly so especially because it is a high pitched noise that is hard to ignore.

Overall, the BD-P1400 is a high functioning blu-ray stand alone player, that supports lossless audio output (PCM, TrueHD, and DTS-HD MA) and 1080p/24. I would still recommend a four hundred dollar PS3 over the BD-P1400, but if you really want a standalone player, you can't go wrong with the BD-P1400.
I don't actually own this player, but I have a friend who bought one and he loves it.

This is a excellent blu ray and I am very happy with my purchase, I recommend this player to everyone and the price is great.

It did NOT disappoint in the slightest. I have not had any problems playing any DVD Blu-ray or not. I have not had to download any firm-ware to solve ANY issues. The BD-P1400 worked straight out of the box. The only thing that comes close to a con is that it's slow on start-up and loading.

I am very satisfied with this player and I'm happy. All I can report is that mine works perfectly so far, and I have recommended it to many of my friends when asked for an opinion.

Works wonderfully with my new Samsung plasma... Haven't experienced any issues expressed by other reviewers. Connected with an HDMI to TV and optical audio to Home Theater... Breathtaking PQ and sound.

This Blu-Ray player is first-class. Easy setup. This is my first Hi-Def player, and I am very happy with my purchase. I did the latest firmware update per the instructions in the manual, and it has functioned flawlessly. The player has a modern, slick, glossy appearance. The sounds are incredible, and the images are too beautiful to be described. Very easy to install and use. I never knew the difference that a Blu-ray player can make in the movie watching experience. I am not an expert, just a regular mom that purchased the blu-ray player for family viewing.

I have had this player for about a month now...After updating the firmware, it has been flawless. Amazing picture, quiet unit, looks great in the entertainment rack along with my HD DVD player.

The upconversion is wonderful! Best part is I can use optical and take advantage of the new audio codecs.

I give this player 5 stars!

Not a single problem. I even have it in a tight spot with 2" clearance above top and open back with No overheating problems. None of my movies have locked up or have been unable to play. I have tried Live Free or Die Hard, all the Harry Potters, Planet Earth and others. Firmware 1.5 arrived on Jan 24th and it has seemed to fix all the problems others were having. I would definitely recommend this player to others.

I have a PS3 and a Sony 300 S Blu-ray player, and they are both excellent blu-ray players. However, I love my new Samsung 1400 BD it can decode DTS HD sound, and it makes for a wonderful movie watching experience. The first thing a new owner should do is go to and download the latest firmware update (it is a fast simple process). There are also instructions on the owner's manual that explains how to update the player. I have watched the latest Blu-ray releases from Fox, Disney, Sony, etc. and the picture/sound quality is outstanding. Very pleased with the product.

Samsung BD-P1400 Reviews of the Multi-Region Blu-Ray Disc Player Version

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Power Bright VC1500W Voltage Transformer 1500 Watt Step Up/Down 110 Volt - 220 Volt

!: Promotions Power Bright VC1500W Voltage Transformer 1500 Watt Step Up/Down 110 Volt - 220 Volt save you money!

Brand : Power Bright | Rate : | Price : $74.39
Post Date : Nov 08, 2011 19:30:14 | Usually ships in 24 hours

This is a voltage converter or transformer that can be used as a step up transformer in 110/120 volt countries or as a step down transformer in 220/230/240 volt countries. This heavy duty voltage transformer can be used for continuous duty. It will convert voltages of 220-240 volts to 110-120 and will also convert voltages from 110-120 to 220-240 volts.

More Specification..!!

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Simran AR-2000 2000-Watt Heavy Duty Voltage Regulator/Stabilizer with Built-In Step Up/Down Voltage Transformer, Grey

!: Catalog Simran AR-2000 2000-Watt Heavy Duty Voltage Regulator/Stabilizer with Built-In Step Up/Down Voltage Transformer, Grey quick

Brand : Simran | Rate : | Price : $94.99
Post Date : Nov 02, 2011 01:45:12 | Temporarily out of stock. Order now and we'll deliver when available. We'll e-mail you with an estimated delivery date as soon as we have more information. Your credit card will not be charged until we ship the item.

  • This CE certified 2000-Watt stabilizer/transformer can convert 110/120V to 220/240V or convert 220/240V to 110/120V. Compatible with 50Hz/60Hz
  • It can regulate input voltage from AC 75V-130V or 180V-260V to output voltage: AC 110V+-4-percent or AC220V+-4-percent. Meter on front shows exact output voltage
  • This stabilizer can regulate fluctuating voltage into general voltage output. Voltage stabilizer good for countries with unstable voltage supply
  • Two universal outlets for 220V accept plugs from most countries. Two 110V outlets accept 3 or 2 prong US plugs. On/off switch with indicator lamp
  • Insulated power cord wired with a European shucko plug. Heavy metal casing. Fuse protected with fuse protected with built in circuit breaker

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Simran AR-4000 4000-Watt Heavy Duty Voltage Regulator/Stabilizer with Built-In Step Up/Down Voltage Transformer, Grey

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Brand : Simran
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Price : $129.99
Post Date : Oct 30, 2011 04:30:59
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Travel Smart With Voltage Converters, Transformers, and Multisystems

!: Travel Smart With Voltage Converters, Transformers, and Multisystems

Today's global road warriors and international travelers need to stay plugged in more than ever-and thus a lightweight voltage converter is an absolute must. Depending on your travel accessories and destinations, you may need a transformer, adaptor plugs, and more. Furthermore, if you are thinking of picking up electronics in your travels, you might be surprised at how easy it can be to get them to work back home-if you are a smart shopper.

Let's take a look at how to figure out what you need to be a smart global traveler and consumer these days when it comes to power-the electric kind!

First a little background. Whereas most countries operate on 220-volt (and even 240) electric current, the United States and Canadian systems function with 110-volt electric current. This means that in order to use North American appliances abroad you'll need a voltage transformer or voltage converter in order to "step up" the voltage. For those traveling TO North America, a "step down" transformer or converter is needed to adapt from 220 volts to 110. For use anywhere around the globe, consider a voltage regulator converter that can Step Up or Step Down.

Which One: Converter or Transformer?

Transformers and converters both change 110 volts to 220 or the reverse so that your equipment works. Converters however are designed to work just with electric appliances (e.g., hot pots, curling irons). Transformers are used for electronic devices, e.g., those with a chip or circuit, e.g., camcorder recharges, and radios, as well as electric appliances. So when in doubt, use a transformer. Very lightweight ones make it simple to travel easily and still use your equipment.

In addition to the transformer, you will almost surely need plug adapters too since the shape of plug outlets varies, generally from continent to content. For example, in Buenos Aires, you would need a "V" shape plug adapter and a converter to recharge your shaver.

What about Your Cell Phone and Laptop?

The good news is that not all electrical devices need converters. Check any devices or appliances that you plan to take. Some, e.g., hair dryers and curling irons, may have a switch or dial to change from 110 to 220. If so, be sure to change it as soon as you arrive and again upon your return to the appropriate voltage.

More common are devices that automatically change voltage, most notably cell phones and laptops and other devices that come with an AC adaptor. Check the label of the AC adaptor, and if it says "100-240V AC 50/60AC," then it is safe to use in either system. However you are likely to need a plug adaptor, as noted above.

What about Electronic Purchases Abroad?

For reasons of economy, convenience, or availability, there are times when you may wish to purchase items in one electrical voltage system for permanent use in another. Check first to make sure that the cost of adapting the device to your permanent use location does not turn out to eat a hole in your wallet.

For example, what if you find a good price on a Nintendo Wii in the US, where it comes outfitted for US with 110-voltage, but want to use it in India or Chile? For about you can buy a new AC cable that works with 220 volts, and so the savings may still be significant.

For luxury items such as HC LD televisions, you can shop for ones that come ready for the global market by looking for the feature "multisystem." Sharp, for example, has several plasma models that do not require any kind of voltage converter box.

Travel Smart With Voltage Converters, Transformers, and Multisystems

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

VCT VT1800F - Continous Use 1800 Watt Step Up / Step Down Voltage Transformer for AC 110V to 220V / 240V Worldwide Use

!: Where To Buy VCT VT1800F - Continous Use 1800 Watt Step Up / Step Down Voltage Transformer for AC 110V to 220V / 240V Worldwide Use compare

Brand : Unknown
Rate :
Price :
Post Date : Oct 19, 2011 21:25:07
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

1800 Watt Maximum Capacity, heavy-duty continuous use transformer» Converts 110/120 V to 220/240 V OR converts 220/240 V to 110/120 V (switch is on back of unit) » On/Off switch with indicator lamp» 5 outlets on front of unit (3 outlets accept 3 or 2 prong US plugs and 2 outlets accept German grounded VDE plugs) » Insulated Power Cored with an American Grounded Plug» Comes with 2 prong non-grounded adapter plug » Easy to carry with attached handle, heavy-duty metal casing, fuse protected Weight: 24.0 LbsDimensions(LxBxH): 10" X 7" X 5.5"

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Thursday, March 31, 2011

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Beauties Factory electric nail drill - Professional - 30000rpm

Rotation Up to 30000 RPM Easy to use dialing speed control Forward and reverse operation switch Improved Version : Quiet and smooth - very low vibration vesign for comfort grip Improved handpiece cable ending design so that the cable will not loose out easily Improved handpiece holding area to prevent overheating during a long period of usage. Optional Foot pedal for easy operation and comfort Use for both pedicure and manicure The nail file can be used for natural as well as artificial nails For professional studio use or home use Voltage: ** 110V~240V ** If your address is in 220V~240V countries like eg United Kingdom / Australia / All European Countries / etc, then we will send a 220V~240V standard machine to you If your address is in 110V~120V countries like eg US / Canada / Japan , then we will send a 110V~120V standard machine to you Package include: Electric Nail Drill Machine : Main control + Handpiece Table Stand for handpiece Foot Pedal Power Control 6 Optional Bits / Filing Heads (includes 1pc of emery rod with 4 sanding bands) Operation Detail: • plug in the electric cord of the transformer to the main electric outlet • turn on the on/off switch on the transformer.(machine should be at the lowest speed when turning on) • select the desired speed by turning the variable speed control knob on the transformer • The black switch in front of the transformer, next to the speed control selection knob is for forward and reverse rotation direction • To use my legs ...

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Supply voltage converter power stage transformer / Up / Down 110-220 Volt

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